Michelle Blanchard from Life Down Here Interview

When did you first start playing music?

 I started off playing the guitar when I was 8, let's be honest when your that young I think everyone wants to play the guitar. haha, but I'd have to say I liked it a little more than most kids. I kinda got a little frustrated with it at first, so when I was about 11 I switched over to the bass for a while, I played the bass for a solid few years. Switched back to guitar when I was about 15ish, and about that time was when I started to write my own music, including lyrics. Of course, I also sing, which is a fairly new thing. I've been singing for about 3 years. I am also learning how to play the drums a bit too :]

Early on, who were your first influences in music?

 Growing up, my parents always had the music on. So I listened to Zepplin, Beatles, you know all the classics that everyone listens to. But I'd have to say Melissa Etheridge was a bit influence for me lyrically. Musically, I listened to Metallica, a lot of screamo music growing up, now I just kinda listen to everything!

How do you feel about the state of rock music in the industry?

 I think the music industry in general is very very different these days. Not necessarily in a bad way, there are so many different networking outlets out there and so many ways to get your music out in the world, it's crazy! But I think that it's mainly all about the pop and hip hop right now, and I think there needs to be a few damn good rock bands to get out there and make the rock scene come back into play a little more.

Your in the studio now. Whats your favorite part of the process, writing or recording?

 All around the whole music process is great. Writing is a great time for you to express what's going on in your life, in the world, it's really just an awesome feeling to write. But the recording process is also so much fun! You get to hang around a studio all day, play, mess around, have fun. This is kinda a hard question because I don't like one verses the other, it's both part of what I love to do :]

It seems that every female fronted band that comes out gets compared to Paramore. What are your thoughts on this?

 I do agree that we often get asked "do you guys sound like Paramore," I'd have to say we don't sound identical to Paramore but I mean a lot of people always associate a girl fronted band to Paramore because they made such a good name for themselves you know? We are a heavier and more metallica sounding so I'd have to say it's a little different vibe from paramore that we do, but they are a big influence of mine. They are great :]

Favorite band right now?

 That's a toughy. I don't think I can really answer that question without have several bands named. It starts anywhere from Alesana, Tegan and Sara, Paramore, Armor for Sleep, Melissa Etheridge, I mean the list goes on and on. But as you can see from that list I listen to everything from screamo to chill acoustic indie vibes :]

Best moment in your music career so far?

 I would have to say I've had some great times. One of my most memorable times was my last birthday. On my 18th birthday last year, we played at the whiskey. It was a great show, had an awesome slot, filled the place up. There's absolutely nothing better than playing a show to celebrate your birthday!

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