Interview with Erinmarie Christian from Mr Bella

Where did the name Mr Bella come from?

Mr. Bella was a spur of the moment name - we were looking for something that said there were boys and girls in the band, hence, Mr. (for the guys) and Bella (for the girls). We had a show before we had the band name so we had to pick fast and then it stuck so here we are!

What was your first musical influence?

I have so many it would be very hard to pinpoint just one. I guess I'd lean towards Madonna, Meatloaf, Stevie Nicks, Moody Blues and such...mostly what my mom was listening to. Then I found the Sex Pistols, Def Leppard, Bif naked etc and had a music love affair with them for years, now I'm all over the place; I pretty much like a song from any genre. I don't really care who it is or what genre they prescribe to.

How tough is the music industry today, and how has your experience been with it so far?

The music industry sucks unfortunately. you have to watch your own back because no one is going to do it for you. That's why bands have to be smart and you can't be too nice; you have to be shrewd until you find out who your friends are. Bands around here in general are ridiculously talented! We're so proud to be in a network of amazing bands and it's also disheartening because the of the state of the industry; most people will never get to experience us or the others that deserve some credit! Though, thanks to you and others that help do what you do there are those lucky enough to hear now! Thank goodness for social media!

When you select a song to use as a single from an album, what goes into determining what song is picked?

Ummm, It's always a different reason for each album...but for CMH, it was really it was going to be! lol I can't explain it other than we all just felt like "Cross My Heart" was THE ONE. Done deal!

Out of all the songs on your recent album "Cross My Heart", what song holds the most meaning for you?

All of these songs have meaning to me; they're my words. That's just one of the things that sets us apart from the manufactured music being pumped through the radio. i know where each and every song came from and I can tell you that some of them were uncomfortable for me to talk about in the beginning. "Mirror, Mirror" in particular makes me fight back tears pretty much every time we play it. I have to repeat over and over in my head "NOT HERE, fight it back". All of these songs are a part of me.

What is your definition of success for your band?

A few things. first of all keeping a band together is a big deal. not enough people give long term bands credit; it's hard. It's marriage of sorts WITH not only your bandmates, but also their families! You have to be skilled in juggling your life with the life of the band AND being creative in the process. So, for mr. Bella - Success! :) We're not afraid to change when things aren't working. We'd of course love worldwide domination on the radio waves :) to be able to do this full time would be ideal...ya know, we love to rock! 

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