The Perfect Hybrid

Veronica Torres is the lead vocalist of the California based band Gorgeous Got a Gun. When trying to describe a band to someone you are always asked who they sound like. Ive been listening to a lot of GGG lately and I was trying to figure
this question out. Gorgeous Got a Gun has their own unique sound and distinct style. Comparing them to someone else would change from song to song and never really fit as a whole. I did manage to come up with a comparison of an artist who reminded me of Veronicas still early career. Madonna.

 Before you throw the pitchforks and come after me with torches let me clarify my statement. No, I do not think they sound similar, but I do think they share something in common. They both have the ability to reinvent themselves through different styles of music.  Madonna kept her career relevant for a long period of time by adapting to different musical genres and making it seem natural. Veronica has the ability to step into this role. Ill give you examples where I think she already gives a hint of this ability.

Need some rock influenced pop:

Straight up live rock:

Some acoustic:

and finally their new track that has an old style No Doubt feel:

I think based on  all the music she has put out so far in her career, she has the ability to be the same kind of artist as Madonna. Even if you dont agree with my comparison, at least walk away knowing this is one individual with amazing talent.
GGG Facebook page. Click Here.
Photo credit to Jason Speth

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